IBM Books

Nways Manager for AIX-LAN Network Manager/I.H.M.P. User's Guide

Coupling and Navigating Between Campus Managers - LAN and ATM

Nways Manager-LAN and Nways Manager-ATM can be coupled to provide full management of ATM modules in 8260 hubs and 8265 ATM switches. Coupling involves integrating the topologies and device status used by each product.

Nways Manager-LAN and Nways Manager-ATM can be coupled in the following ways:

Coupling 8250, 8260, and 8265 Device Manager and Nways Manager-ATM

Starting Coupling

The coupling between the 8250, 8260, and 8265 Device Manager application in Nways Manager-LAN and Nways Manager-ATM is started automatically when you start Nways Manager-LAN.

To change this default setting using SMIT, follow these steps:

  1. From NetView for AIX, select Administer -> Campus Manager SMIT -> Control -> Coupling with Nways Manager-ATM.

  2. Click on the List button and select one of the values displayed:

For more information on configuring Nways Manager-ATM, refer to the online documentation, Nways Manager-ATM for AIX User's Guide.

Stopping Coupling

To stop the coupling between 8250, 8260, and 8265 Device Manager and Nways Manager-ATM, follow these steps:

  1. From NetView for AIX, select Administer -> Campus Manager SMIT -> Control -> Coupling with Nways Manager-ATM.

  2. Set the value for Nways Manager-ATM Coupling to No.

This stops the integration of the two topologies and removes the Nways Manager-ATM options from the menus displayed for the ATM and Switch modules in graphical views of 8260 hubs and 8265 ATM switches.

Resynchronizing Coupling

If ATM and Switch modules remain blue in Hub Level views, you may need to resynchronize the coupling between 8250, 8260, and 8265 Device Manager and Nways Manager-ATM. This can occur if many changes are made to the network since the two topologies were coupled.

To resynchronize the two topologies:

  1. From NetView for AIX, select Administer -> Campus Manager SMIT -> Control -> Coupling with Nways Manager-ATM.

  2. Set the value for Nways Manager-ATM Coupling to Re-sync.

Displaying Coupling Status

To display the current status of the coupling between 8250, 8260, and 8265 Device Manager and Nways Manager-ATM, select Administer -> HubManager -> Administration and do one of the following:

Port Status

Table 36 shows how the status of LAN ports displayed on the Port Configuration panel corresponds to the operational state of ATM interfaces displayed in the ATM Interface Configuration panel in Nways Manager-ATM.

Table 36. Status of LAN Ports and Operational State of ATM Interfaces
Status of LAN Ports (Nways Manager-LAN) Operational State of ATM Interfaces (Nways Manager-ATM)
unknownStatus unknown
off disabled-nosignal
off disabled-idle
noPhantom nosignal
noPhantom idle
fatalError idle
okay in-service
okay pvcOnly
fatalError failing
fatalError misConfigured
fatalError wrong-network-prefix
fatalError wrong-node-number

Module Status

The color-coded status of module icons in Hub Level views is an aggregate of the status of the module and the status of ports on the module. Because the status of modules is always reported as unknown, the color of the module icon is an aggregate of the status of its ports.

Coupling LAN Network Manager with LAN Emulation Manager

When you install both LAN Network Manager and LAN Emulation Manager, the two applications are automatically coupled. This coupling allows realtime, color-coded status of ATM/LAN bridges and switches to be displayed in LAN Subnet submaps.

ATM Management

In standalone mode, Nways Manager-LAN provides a subset of the management functions for ATM modules (Switch and media) installed in an 8260 Hub or 8265 ATM switch.

The coupling of Nways Manager-LAN and Nways Manager-ATM provides comprehensive management of hubs, legacy LANs, and ATM networks that allows you to:

Navigating Between Campus Managers - LAN and ATM

To navigate between Nways Manager-LAN views and Nways Manager-ATM submaps, do one of the following:

To navigate between Nways Manager-ATM submaps and Nways Manager-LAN views, do one of the following:

Navigating with LAN Emulation Manager

LAN Emulation Manager is an application running under Nways Manager-ATM that allows you to emulate and manage the services of existing LANs across an ATM network. You can navigate from Nways Manager-LAN to LAN Emulation Manager in the following ways:

From LAN Emulation Manager, you can navigate to Nways Manager-LAN by opening:

To do so, start from the LAN Emulation or the Control View panel. If you start from the LAN Emulation panel, follow these steps:

  1. Double-click on the Domain icon of an emulated LAN. (A domain is a set of LAN emulation resources that are controlled by one LECS, LAN Emulation Configuration Server.) The Exploded Domain panel is displayed.

  2. Do one of the following:

If you start from the Control View panel, follow these steps:

  1. Select one of the following emulated LAN resources:

  2. Display the context menu of the resource and select Open View -> LNM View or Open View -> Device View.

A Hub Level view or a Segment submap is displayed and the selected resource is highlighted.

For information on how to use LAN Emulation Manager, see the bookCoupling with and Using Related Applications in the online documentation set for Nways Manager-ATM.

Switching Between IP, ATM, and LAN Protocol Views

When using the IBM Nways Manager for AIX of products, you can display the protocols running in a network resource and switch between different views and submaps in which the resource icon is displayed. For example, you can select a hub from the IBM Hubs Topology and switch to the location of the hub in an IP submap.

To switch between different protocol views of a network resource, follow these steps:

  1. Select the resource in the IP Internet window or in a submap of Nways Manager-LAN or Nways Manager-ATM.

  2. Do one of the following:

    A dialog box for switching protocol views is displayed. All protocols running in the resource and the submaps that correspond to each protocol are listed.

  3. Click on the protocol and the submap which you want to display.

  4. Click on Open to display the selected submap.

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